
July 17, 2018

Mount Rose Summit 10,785' in Humbolt-Toiyabe NF

 A fantastic training hike for Mount Whitney!

360 degree views from the summit.

Hiking Distance: about 10.5 miles  An out and back hike.
Elevation:  The trailhead is at 8915 feet.  The summit is 10,785 feet.
Difficulty: Considered moderate.  No boulder scrambles or creeks with fallen tree crossings although there were wet areas and a creek that was shallow. I loved hiking poles on this one. For some the elevation may make it difficult.
Location of Trailhead: There is a large paved and well marked parking lot on Mount Rose Highway near Incline Village. 
Good to know: No fees.  Dogs allowed. Restrooms recently reported to be closed. Bug repellent is good to have handy.  Wildflowers blooming even at the summit in July! Some water available but suggest purifying all water. No permit required for day hikes.

Galena Falls, the destination for many hikers on this trail.

The trail was easy to follow.
When you head through this lush section, you might want your bug repellent!
Wildflowers in every color were abundant this time of year and lifted my spirits! After the valley meadows, the trail heads into forest and becomes more of a steep workout.
It can feel pretty hot through this short stretch, but there will be more
shade to rest in  up the Mount Rose Summit trail as you persevere!

On either side of the Mount Rose trail you begin to get 
views hinting at the summit's offerings.
The trail leaves the shady forest and leads upward above treeline.

Windswept and cold, the trail lead me to the summit first where indeed the views are satisfying and photogenic!  Across the saddle is the lesser summit with a cozy windbreak and more of the gorgeous views of pretty much everywhere!

FYI There wasn't a summit register.
More Tahoe hikes that may interest you

Tahoe National Forest
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1+ miles with many lakes and options
Easy to Moderate
5+ miles this trip
Whatever you choose-4 around the lake
Easy, paved most of the way.
1 mile each location
Pioneer Trail near Spaulding Lake
Up to 25 miles; I did 5.7
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Sierra Discovery Trail with Bear Creek Falls
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.5+ many optional miles to many lakes, all pretty close to each other!
Easy to Moderate Car camping available near the trailhead.  Also walk in camps at Carr-Feeley TH
10.5 miles round trip
Moderate to Strenuous

Happy Trails!

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