
February 09, 2011

Codfish Creek Falls, Weimar area

* If you click on a photo, each of them can be viewed enlarged for detail.

A 60 foot? waterfall-reports vary.
Difficulty:  Easy
Distance:  3.8 miles round trip
Driving Directions:  Take I 80 to the Weimar exit. Turn right on Canyon Way, which becomes Ponderosa Way. Drive south for 5.8 miles (2 1/2 or so of dirt road) to the American River. The trail heads downstream on the north side of the river.  There are vault toilets at the trailhead now.  There is a $10 charge for parking now. You park by the bridge at the side of the road and follow the trail downstream.

Yes, the trail is narrow at times, basically single file; it is green and pleasant.  Again, check for poison oak and ticks.

The falls were quite a surprise! No clue going in they would be so dramatic so late in the waterfall season! Crossing the creek and climbing beside the falls was invigorating!!!
We happened on a great water flow time and expected a much smaller waterfall.

This is the view from the bottom of the falls downstream, very cool and pretty.

There I go bushwhacking again! I like a person in a photo to show the magnitude of a waterfall. This is a gem, and not a difficult hike.  Beware.  I am not suggesting you should climb the waterfall.  It is riddled with slippery rocks and thick berry vines full of thorns! Use caution, good gear, good judgment and technical hiking abilities.  Climb at your own risk!

Tiny little me and bushwhacking delights!

Lat/Long:38.99712, -120.95527 I give this falls a great rating, even though from Sacramento area it is a bit of a drive for such a short hike. Arrive early and take a picnic to spend the day. There are slabs of rock beside the falls in the shade where you can rest and enjoy the view. A nice cool spray floats over you and on a hot day, a little shower is pleasant! You can also climb up the hill before the falls to the top where there is a boulder two people can comfortably sit on and look down on the falls, yet not be seen from the bottom! Very Cool!

Other options include fishing the river and swimming near the bridge.

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updated 7-2012

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